HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - May 27, 2009


God's Knitting 
This devotional was written by Kelly McFadden

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. —Psalm 139:13-16

Some years ago, my aunt taught me how to knit. Here is a brief overview of the process. Step One: Pick out a pattern. There are literally hundreds to choose from. Size, patterns, difficulty and detail all play an important part of the choice. Step Tw Select the yarn. There are a multitude of different choices, materials, colors, textures and sizes of yarn. Step Three: Buy the correct tools for the job. Knitting needles, crochet hooks, sewing needles, amongst other items required by the pattern, and yarn must be purchased. Step Four: Knit.

What I’m knitting determines the amount of time the process will take from start to finish. Once I knitted a blanket for a pregnant friend. It took me well over 48 hours from start to finish. Creating the blanket was truly a labor of love. With each stitch, I prayed for the little baby who was to be wrapped in that blanket. I prayed for the baby’s health, parents, and mostly that the baby would come to know the Lord—its creator.

As I worked on this project, I was overwhelmed with the words from Psalm 139. Psalm 139:13-14 states that our Lord knit us together, creates us, knows us and made us wonderfully. We were not thrown together quickly or pieced haphazardly, but our Lord thought carefully through colors, size, complex patterns, families, etc. He knows and cares about each tiny detail of our lives. He worked hard to knit each of us together so we would become just as He desires: special and unique. I can imagine God, slowly putting us together and considering carefully each and every stitch.

You were not a mistake. You were not an accident. God intentionally made you specially and with purpose. It can be so easy to look at others and wish to be more like them. But God didn’t plan you to be someone else. Understand what the Lord tells you in today’s Scripture. You are created just the way God wanted you. He makes no mistakes.


  1. Think about your life. Why can it be hard to imagine that God created you just the way He wants you?
  2. Think through the talents the Lord has given you. How can you develop them to glorify God?

Genesis 1:21; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28 

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