HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Oct. 20, 2006

Today, Show up for Life 
This devotional was written by Jim Liebelt

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. — Psalm 118:24 (NIV)     

Recently, I made a remark to a friend about how quickly the year was passing by.  I received a blank stare in return. I remarked again.  “And….?” my friend questioned.  I tried to explain.  “And…?” my friend persisted. Then, it hit me, I’m old. Actually, I’m not old. But, I am twenty years older than my friend. I realized that my friend doesn’t have the same perspective on time that I have gained. I experienced what I’ve heard so many other people say, “The older you get that faster time flies.”

Whether we are young or old, whether time seems to drag on or fly by, it’s important to remember that life is fleeting. While it’s natural to desire a long healthy life, not all of us are granted the experience. All we have for sure is today; this moment. There are no guarantees for long life. So here’s an important reminder: live each day to its fullest – to the glory of God. Each day is a gift that needs to be treasured.

If you are like me, you’ve wasted days planning for or dreaming about the future. Some days, we’re so busy trying to get to our future that we don’t show up for today. There’s nothing wrong with planning and dreaming. We abuse the gift of life, however, when we forfeit today’s experiences trying to get to tomorrow. God wants us to be present today. He has created this day that we may know, experience and love him; that we may love and serve others. However you go about it, if you do these things, you’ll make the most of your day.

Not too long ago, I spoke with a woman – the mother of a friend I grew up with. I remember her sparkle and vitality of those days.  In my mind’s eye, I can see her; a busy mom in her early 50’s.  Now, she’s getting on in age. She’s in the twilight of her life; having struggled recently with the death of her husband and an ongoing bout with cancer. I gave her a hug and saw the same sparkle in her eyes. She looks good, all things considered. “How are you doing?” I asked.  “Well,” she hesitated, “I’m okay. But, I’m getting old.” Good answer, I thought. Then she quickly added, “But, I’m truly learning to trust God more and more everyday.” She is making the most of the gift of life that God has given her.

I’ve heard someone say, “Ninety percent of life is just showing up.” I’m not sure about the percentage, but the saying rings true to me. Whether you are young or old, time is fleeting. Today, show up for life!      

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1. What personal issues or concerns, at times, have kept you from showing up for today?

2. What can you do today, to make the most this day that God has given you?

3. Pray, committing to God to make the most of today.


Psalm 90:10-14

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