HomeWord, with Jim Burns

HomeWord - Sept. 5, 2007


Back-to-School Prayer 
This devotional was written by Leslie Snyder

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.  Proverbs 17:6

I saw a school bus the other day and that can only mean one thing.  It’s time to go back to school.  As our family began the annual tradition of school year preparations, my mind drifted back to our oldest child’s first day of kindergarten.  As it is in many homes, the first day of kindergarten is a huge milestone for both children and parents.  For us, it looked something like this: 

The night before the first day of school, we packed our 5-year-old daughter’s backpack with brand new pre-sharpened pencils, new pink bevel erasers, brightly colored construction paper, rounded end safety scissors, beautiful fat 8-count CrayolaTM crayons, and a clear plastic pencil box.  In the morning, everyone was up and ready early.  Breakfast finished, the photo session began.  Then, off to school we walked hand-in-hand.  As we entered the doors into the kindergarten classroom, a huge sign greeted us…Welcome Class of 2015.  I thought I’d lose it right there.  My knees buckled, my stomach twisted in knots, and my voice was trapped behind an ever-increasing lump in my throat.  My kindergartener was ecstatic, but my world turned foggy. I could hardly wait to get out of that building and cry my eyes out! While my mind understood that this was just the first of many transitions, my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.  I went home, called a friend, cried together, and then watched the clock for that glorious moment when I would pick her up three hours later.  I laugh now as I recall my own actions.

This school year will be no different.  Families across the globe are preparing for another school year and while the educational setting will look different, transitions are happening in nearly every home.  It is during times like this my prayers change and become very focused.  I suppose it’s natural to feel better when my children are with me.  I know what they are doing, whom they are with, and where they will be.  But the truth is, with the return of the school year, my children will spend more time away from me than with me.  It’s likely yours will, too.  So, as we release them to another school year I invite you to pray the following prayer.

Oh, God.  How I love my kids.  Thank you for allowing me to be their parent.  As the school days approach, I entrust them into your hands.  You are everywhere and I thank You that You are where I cannot be.  You are in their classroom, in the school hallways, in their lunchroom. You are in the hearts of those You love and those who love You.  You are in the heart of my child.  Today, I ask for Your presence to surround our school, the buses, and the sidewalks our children will walk.  Give teachers and school leaders wisdom and patience. Protect my children’s minds, bodies and souls from any harm and may we trust that You are always with them. Amen.

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Make it a priority to pray daily for your child’s teacher, his/her school, faculty and staff.  Also, make time to visit your child’s school regularly.  It will make all the difference in the world.


Numbers 6:24-25

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