HomeWord, with Jim Burns

Jesus Is Lord - Homeword - September 28

Jesus Is Lord

This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ. —Acts 2:36

In the Gospels there is a graphic story of Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. At one point in the story, Pilate offers to release a prisoner to the Jews. He offers either Jesus or Barabbas (who was a troublemaker and murderer). The crowd asks for Barabbas to be freed. Pilate doesn't know what to do. He asks the crowd, "What shall I do with the man Jesus?" They cry, "Crucify him!"

The question Pilate asked, "What will you do with Jesus?" is still the important question of the day. When people today are confronted with Christ, they basically have four options. Which option have you chosen?

1. Reject Him. Turn your back on Jesus and live your life without Him.

2. Ignore Him. Choose to be an Easter and Christmas Christian. Acknowledge His deity but keep Him out of the practical daily activities of your life.

3. Appease Him. There are the people who go through the motions of Christianity but still keep the lordship of Christ at a distance.

4. Obey Him. If you obey Him you are choosing to make Him Lord of your life. You are no longer in control, He is. You choose to obey His will and His Word.

What will you do with the claims of Christ in your life? If you fall into one of the categories besides obedience, then perhaps it's time to make Him the Lord of your life. If you believe He is Christ the Savior, then your only true option is to make Him Christ the Lord also!


1. What does Acts 2:36 tell us about what God made Jesus to be?

2. Assuming that Jesus is Lord (and He is), what will you do with Jesus Christ? Of the four possible options above, which option have you chosen? If you believe that Jesus is your savior, then the next step is to make Him your Lord and give him control of your life.


Luke 2:11

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