A Song for the Hard Days - iBelieve Truth - October 23, 2023
But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love. Psalm 59:16-17, ESV
Have you ever needed to take a step back to regroup, reset, or retreat? I needed to take some time to reorient my heart. Too many negative thoughts along with bone-weary exhaustion led to muddy interpretations of events and disappointments. I needed rest from the clouded perceptions running rampant in my mind.
Not only did my thoughts overwhelm me, but so did my overstuffed schedule. I longed to run off to a remote cabin in the woods or sit on a rugged beach surrounded by towering mountains. I live in the middle of farmland, there are no woods or mountains near me and even though I longed to run away, I couldn’t. But I could figure out how to find rest in the middle of my life.
These verses from Psalm 59 come straight from an action-adventure story between David and Saul's men. Saul had sent men to stake out David’s home so they could kill him, and he escaped by sneaking out a window in the night. He lived a life on the run—anointed to be King but appointed to be a temporary fugitive. David writes honestly and vividly about the threats to his life along with his determination to trust his steadfast God.
Sometimes we face situations where we feel trapped and our enemies circle us waiting to devour us. It might be an outer conflict with another person or an inner conflict between living for our ways or according to God's ways. Doubt circles like a vulture, waiting to feast on hope. Despair dries up green pastures, and we stagger from thirst. Disappointments deluge us with flood waters, and we struggle to find our footing.
The power of our thoughts impacts our decisions. When we let our emotions dictate what we think, it’s like trying to keep a small rowboat upright through waves in a mighty storm at sea. We wrestle through it and grow exhausted. We want to rejoice, but struggle with it. We want to trust but wonder if trusting God is worth the risk. But it’s in rejoicing and trusting where we find true rest.
Rejoicing can be an act of faith regardless of how we feel. It sounds contradictory, but enthusiasm about God is not related to personality traits or circumstances, but everything to do with who God is to us. The first part of this verse refers to God’s strength and steadfast love.
When Moses came upon the burning bush in the desert, his curiosity over a bush in flames, but not disintegrating drew him. The angel of the Lord met him there and spoke to him. He was on holy ground. God called Moses to lead the people of Israel and told him to tell them “I Am” sent him. The Lord gave himself the name “I am who I am,” which is a Hebrew phrase indicating action and presence in the lives of his people--then and now.
God is “I AM.” And he says: I AM your refuge. I AM your strength. I AM your hope. I AM your peace. I AM your joy. I AM your guide. I AM your rock. I AM your healer. I AM your gift-giver. I AM your rest.
While a vacation to a new place is a wonderful experience because we have time to rest, see, and experience sights and activities new to us, we don’t have to wait for vacation to find rest. We can find rest when we worship because we remember how God’s faithfulness sustains us and his love remains steadfast. This is how we can rest within the craziness of our busy lives.
After a period of rest or retreat, the clouded lenses of weariness lift and we see things with clarity. Spending time with God overflows from our relationship and our relationship with God fills the parched places in our hearts. Sing of his strength today. Sing of his steadfast love. Sing of the refuge you find in him. Let's rejoice!
Heavenly Father,
We rejoice in you! We lift our voices in praise! You are great. You are the Mighty One who defeats enemies and wins battles. I give you my heart, my life, and my everything for you are steadfast in your love for me.
In Jesus' name,
Photo Credit: ©RNS/Klimkin/Creative Commons