Don't Live Your Life Small - iBelieve Truth - March 20, 2024
Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth… Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:17; 36-37
Life for me has not been easy. Even my birth was filled with distress and turmoil. Born two months early and weighing in at a whopping 2 pounds 16 ounces, my life has always had its share of difficulties. Battling a myriad of health issues from birth, I've always had to cling to God's presence. Additionally, I'm only 5 feet tall. Although this may seem cute to some, it makes life’s ordinarily simple tasks difficult for me. Because of my height, there are things I cannot do on my own. Reaching things from high shelves, strenuous exercise, and lifting heavy things are limitations I will always face.
Living in a small body, I'm used to living a small life. I allowed many people in my youth to mock me because of my height. This made me believe I wasn’t worthy of doing big things in life. It wasn't until I met Jesus that I learned how to live life in new and exciting ways. For example, my obedience to my calling to be a writer has allowed me to be published in places I never would have been published in my own strength. During my husband's calling to be a pastor, the Lord has called us to live in many different places and meet many people through the churches he has shepherded. These are opportunities I never would have received if I had not been obedient and answered God's call in my life. These are opportunities I never saw coming. But I wouldn't trade them for the world.
David didn't see his new opportunities either. One of the smallest in stature in his family and his bloodline, society reduced him to a lowly teenager. Surely, he could never fight, let alone conquer, the big and arrogant Goliath. David didn't look the part. He faced limitations in his height that made him the most unlikely candidate to help his people. He didn't look like what people thought a warrior should look like. Furthermore, he didn't come from an opulent background. Yet, God knew his heart. God didn't care what he looked like; he was a warrior in his heart. In this moment, God presented David with this opportunity not only because he knew his heart, but because he knew David would say yes. David’s thirst for justice for his people allowed him to take a big risk for God. Because of his willingness to take this risk, he was able to defeat Goliath.
Even when David was too small for Goliath, God was not too small for the task. David, along with God's help, was able to slay Goliath simply with a slingshot and a stone. David, knowing that the crowd needed him, chose not to live small. Instead, he took a big risk for God, and because of his obedience, it landed him the eventual position of king.
Do you live your life small? Do you refuse to take risks simply because you're afraid you won't succeed? Do you allow yourself to get overlooked for things simply because you won't be assertive? Do you allow others to mock you because you have physical, mental, or emotional limitations that you fight daily? Have you not made that career move only because you're afraid to fail? What risk May God be asking you to take today? In my life, I must rely on God's presence always. When we rely on God and are obedient to the risks God asks us to take, God will do great things through us.
God, help us take big risks for you. Remind us that without you, we can do nothing. But with you, we can do everything. Help us become more in tune with what you are calling us to do. Let us not slink back and live our lives small. Rather, help us to yield our lives to you so we can step out in faith and take the big risks you require from us. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/elisa-ph
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