iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women

Forgetting What Is Behind - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - April 27

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Forgetting What Is Behind
By Lindsay Tedder

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead. I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:13-14

After my son was born, we began to research new vehicles. My husband was looking for the highest safety ratings, and was adamant that it have a backup camera. Adamant.

I was indifferent about the backup camera, but humored him. We settled on an SUV that I loved and was rated safe enough for his standards. Of course, it also had a backup camera. Little did I know at the time how much my son would love that backup camera, or the life lesson I would learn from it.

As he grew and began to be more observant, my curious toddler noticed the backup camera as we were backing out of our driveway one morning. He was mesmerized. As soon as I put the car in drive, he freaked out. Screaming, shouting, and all the tears! I had no clue what his issue was, so I just assured him it was ok - whatever “it” was. The next day upon backing out of the driveway, we had the same problem.

When I finally realized he was enjoying the view the camera gave him while in reverse, I exclaimed, “Aww baby, I’m so sorry! But we can’t go forward if we are looking behind us!” Then I stopped myself and thought, “Woah, that’s some heavy Tuesday morning life lessons…I kind of needed to hear that, too.”

You can’t go forward if you’re looking in reverse.

I thought about how often in my life I get stuck looking in reverse. How frequently the backup camera view of my life prohibits me from taking a forward-facing step upon the path my Father has set before me.

When I said those words to my son, he calmed down pretty quickly. He replied, “Ok mommy” and that was it. Man, do I wish I could be like that. I desperately wish that when I start to look in the backup camera of my life and begin to wail in distress to my Father, that I could so quickly say “Ok, Daddy” when he lovingly turns my head forward, reminding me to take the next step.

I know all too well that it is not easy. Looking in reverse is easy. Whether the memories are fond or foul, they are familiar, and familiar is comfortable.

Are you stuck with a “backup camera” view of your life right now? Is there a situation of which you are continually reminded, that has you stuck in the past and unable to face the present or future?

In Philippians, Paul was writing to the church in Philippi to thank them for a gift they sent him while he was imprisoned, and to inform them of his current circumstances. Everything in this book is a recap of scripture written elsewhere but it is the most “human” and relatable, here. In Chapter 3, Paul is writing about the freedom from legalism. The new way of living after the veil had been torn.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead. I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:13-14

The verse above says to forget what is behind you and reach forward to what is ahead. Paul is referencing the new covenant. Christ’s sacrifice in exchange for the atonement of our sins shredded the needed for legalism, right along with the veil. We no longer have to remember the hundreds of laws in order to have a relationship with our Maker. We no longer have to communicate with our King through someone else. Christ’s lifeless body hanging on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice. He alone created a bridge to heaven that can’t be broken, so long as we choose Him. So long as we let go of our past issues and continue to look forward in the direction He is calling us.

How lucky are we that we live in such a time as this? A time of freedom of religion; a time with the instantaneous ability to email someone rather than sending a letter that may take months for them to receive; a time that we have technology such as backup cameras to keep us safe and remind us to look towards HIM, instead of staring down our past. How fortunate that we can put the car in drive and shut off the back up camera and move forward?

Toward what is the Father calling you? Are you too busy looking in the backup camera of your life that you haven’t been able to see the next step?

Lindsay Tedder is a believer, wife, mom, bestie and writer who lives in Columbus, Ohio with her bearded, bourbon-loving husband and her too-cool-for-school toddler. She is full of raw honesty, enthusiastic authenticity, amiable compassion, humble grit, powerful passion…and outrageous laughter, double chins, real life, and frothy nectar-of-the-gods coffee…because…coffee. Raised by a hardworking single mom, she overcame such trauma as sexual abuse-induced food addiction, the debilitating health issues associated with endometriosis, a decade of infertility, and recurring life themes of worthlessness. Connect with her at www.LindsayTedder.com

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