The Purity of God's Promises - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - August 19
The Purity of God’s Promises
By: Kristine Brown
“The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.” - Psalm 12:6 NLT
Back in my junior high school days, silver bubble-heart necklaces were all the rage. I just had to have one. So when I opened the small box, a birthday gift from my grandmother, I couldn’t contain my excitement! It was the most beautiful silver heart I had ever seen, and it was all mine.
The silver shone like the sun reflecting on glass. Stunning. I couldn’t wait to wear it and show it off to my friends. It soon became my favorite accessory. That little piece of heaven accompanied me through bike rides, sleepovers, Friday night roller skating, and much more. Soon, time began to take its toll. Weeks turned into months, and my favorite necklace became tarnished.
I didn’t know what to do! It lost the shine I once knew. But my sweet grandmother calmed my fears and explained tarnishing was normal for sterling silver, and a little polishing would fix it right up.
Today’s key verse brought me back to that time so long ago, when I thought my little necklace had lost its shimmer. How fascinating that God would compare His promises to pure silver. But there is a big difference between the sterling silver of my bubble-heart necklace and the pure silver the psalmist described.
According to, sterling silver is more durable than pure silver. That’s good news for a thirteen-year-old who insists on wearing her sterling silver everywhere. Metals are added to keep the soft, pure silver from bending. Unfortunately, the additional metals in the alloy make sterling silver more prone to tarnishing.
“The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over.” - Psalm 12:6 NLT
So why would God want us to know His promises are pure? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines pure as, “unmixed with any other matter; free from dust, dirt, or taint; spotless.” David knew the value of pure silver. He also knew the value of God’s infallible Word. During his darkest times, David relied on God’s promises to get him through. David didn’t need anything fake or altered. He needed the authenticity only his Lord could provide. From this psalm, we are reminded of a truth as precious as the silver David tells about. We can count on God’s promises, 100 percent.
Like David, we will all walk through times of darkness. We will also have times when the hurt we feel causes us to question the validity of what we know to be true. In those moments, we will need something real. Something that won’t tarnish or fade in the struggle. God provides this verse to reassures us and offer truth we can hold on to.
God’s perfect promises will never change, no matter what comes our way. They cannot be tarnished by our own thoughts or what others may say, and will always shine brightly. His words offer hope in our hopelessness and healing for our deepest hurts. Praise God, we can trust in the purity of His promises.
Kristine Brown is a communicator at heart, sharing inspiration that highlights God’s powerful Word and redemptive grace. You’ll find encouragement to help you “become more than yourself through God’s Word” at her website, Kristine is the author of the book, Over It. Conquering Comparison to Live Out God’s Plan, and the devotional version for teen girls, Over It. Trading Comparison for the True Me.
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