iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women

Mommy, See Me! - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - February 13, 2025

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Mommy, See Me!
By: Lindsay Tedder

But look, the Lord keeps his eye on those who fear him - those who depend on his faithful love to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine. - Psalms 33:18-19

“Mommy, see me” I heard down the hall as he flew from his playroom. When I turned around I was met with the sight of my rambunctious three-year-old son, donning nothing more than T-Rex boxer briefs, an alligator printed pajama top, a red cape, and a red mask. He spread his arms wide to show me his new look. I beamed with pride. This sight was one that I hoped I would not soon forget.

I imagined my son, who prefers to be pantless on any given day, rummaging through his playroom. I can see him tossing the blue mask and the black cape swiftly over his head. I could see them drift in a floating cascade of silky fabric as they met the toy-filled floor around his tiny feet. I envisioned him carefully selecting the red mask and matching red cape to complete his ensemble.

I was busy tidying up from lunch. With hands full of dishes and debris, I could have easily ignored him, concerned only with my task at hand. But his excitement was palpable as he ran down the hall to find me. It could not be ignored. I am often guilty of being more concerned with my to-do list than anything else. When I heard him say “Mommy, see me” my heart shot a radiant smile across my face, but I couldn’t silence the deep ache those words created in the pit of my stomach. Had I ignored him in the past? Had I not “seen” him before, and he felt the need to add all this flair to entice my eyes to meander in his direction?

These questions haunted me long after the red cape and red mask joined the rest of the toys and dress up clothes on the playroom floor. I’m thankful for the way our King allows little reminders such as a masked toddler to remind us to focus on the items of true importance, as opposed to the items that will get a check mark on our to-do lists.

I will admit that this concept is a struggle for me. I am a former list maker in recovery. To-do lists and pros and cons lists used to be how I lived my life. Finding my worth in my Creator instead of my lists (aka all. the. checkmarks.) has helped me find better balance, but it is still a daily struggle. I want to be the mom that God knew I would be. I want to “see” my son. I want him to know that I will always “see” him whenever he wants me to. Most of all, I want him to know that I will always love him no matter what.

What I find most ironic is that I am really no different than my masked toddler. I want my Father to be proud of me. I want Him to see me. I want Him to love me no matter what. You want to know what’s incredible about the God we serve? We do not have to don a flashy cape and mask to get His undivided attention.


Not required.

He always sees us, no matter how we are acting, dressing, or speaking. Psalms 33:18-19 says “But look, the Lord keeps his eye on those who fear him - those who depend on his faithful love to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine.”

When Jesus’ blood was shed for our sins, He took away the death that was meant for us. He ransomed the wages of our sin by standing in our place. His sinless body, fully human and fully God, hung where ours should be. The magnitude of this image is overwhelming for me to comprehend because it is just too good; it is undeservingly fabulous. When we chose to be followers of Christ, we engaged in a relationship with the Almighty God - the one who keeps his eyes on us. When we serve the kingdom, we are depending on “his faithful love to rescue us from death” - from the death we so rightfully deserve.

Today, I encourage you to put down the list, put down the tasks at hand, put down the chores and simply ask your Father to see you. Want to know something miraculous? He has seen you all along, but when you put down what’s in front of you, it is you who can see Him.

Lindsay Tedder is a believer, wife, mom, bestie and writer who lives in Columbus, Ohio with her bearded, bourbon-loving husband and her too-cool-for-school toddler. Raised by a hardworking single mom, she overcame such trauma as sexual abuse induced food addiction, the debilitating health issues associated with endometriosis, a decade of infertility, and recurring life themes of worthlessness. Despite it all, Lindsay is a ray of light, always sharing His love wherever she goes.

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