iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women

God Sees Your Heart - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - January 24

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God Sees Your Heart
By: Lia Martin
The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

If there’s one thing following Jesus has taught me, it’s that I’m a follower. A sheep. A disciple, and not a King. How wonderful it is that God is not looking for our ‘good looks,’ regalia, or strength—but rather is calling forth our hearts. 

Even though I’ve stuck this verse along with others to my computer monitor, I still have only a meek understanding of the 1 Samuel story where these treasured words are nestled. Does that happen with you as well? Through the years of Bible studies and sermons, do you scoop out verses that capture your heart in the moment? Each can become a banner for a season...as the specific story details fade. 

I’m thinking God knows this tendency. And you can lean on the grace of knowing that the purposes of those well-timed verses are already woven into your life. Consider them a repositioning of your heart. Open invitations to return to His word.

So as I return to this section of biblical history, I remember that powerfully handsome brothers were being overlooked in search of the anointed one. And the one who God is appointing in this particular recruitment, in 1 Samuel 16, may not ‘look’ the part. Yet God had His eye on a particular heart, for a particular calling. A little shepherd boy that no one esteemed. However, the approval of his peers and siblings wasn’t on God’s agenda.

I want to encourage you, today, as well, that God sees the beauty (and the mess) inside of you. We all know that although David had a ‘heart for God,’ he managed to make a mess of things sometimes. And yet he returned and repented relentlessly, pouring out his heart in music and psalms. 

What a beautiful thing God has made in fashioning your heart just the way He did. And I don’t mean the blob of muscle; although that’s a miracle so extraordinary, I can’t fathom the divinity. I mean your passions, your peculiarities, your personhood. What moves your soul, lights your fire, calls you to love your neighbor. 

Whatever that is, sweet friend, please know it is God’s great design. And He not only knows what He made; He sees even the things you want to hide. He loves the things you may think others find unlovable. And He is rejoicing over you in song (Zephaniah 3:17).

So when today’s world of comparison and trends chokes your joy, leaving you wondering how you measure up, remember 1 Samuel 6:17. Even if the story details fall away, I believe God wanted you to know: He sees your heart. Your beautiful, caring, imperfect, faithful, one-of-a-kind heart. ‘Broken vessels’ (even if they’re in your eyes and legs) are sacred to Him, especially when He sees you inviting Him to choose you every day.

Lia Martin celebrates seeing God in wildflowers, hiking, poetry, and her beloved daughter and son. Her book, Wisdom at Wit’s End explores how to simplify the pressures of parenting-to-perfection and to let God lead instead.

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