The Truth About You - iBelieve Truth: A Devotional for Women - August 21, 2024
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)
One day earlier this year, I prayed to God this one-sentence prayer: “Help me believe the truth according to You (God), not the lies according to this world.”
I’d barely been surviving a battle of the mind centered on lies from the enemy and the world; they were force-feeding me fallacies, and I didn’t know how to fight them off. Then, God led me to this beautiful song called “The Truth” performed by Megan Woods.
This song opens with a question about believing lies. If you are told the same lie over and over again, you may begin to believe it is true. Of course, lies are from the father of lies (Satan), and he is persistent. Satan plants lies in your head every day. This relentless barrage of lies can wear you down to the point where you don’t recognize yourself when you look in the mirror.
But we have a solution: Jesus Christ. It is important for us to see ourselves how He sees us. We need to reject the lies from the devil and the misinformation from the world. We must open our Bible and get out our notes about how our Maker sees us.
Woods sings words of truth to remind us that we are daughters of the Eternal King. He is proud of us and He smiles at us. We are made in His image, and He loves us with all of His Heart! When God looks at us, He sees a masterpiece that He made with love.
While we get caught up in comparisons that make us want to alter our appearance, God looks at us and sees His beloved creation. I once heard someone say that it must make God sad when we don’t like how we look because He worked so hard on us. And every person was made by Him as an original masterpiece that He is proud of.
The lyrics to “The Truth” encourage us to remember that we belong to God, not the lies we hear in this world. Woods encourages listeners to evict the lies from their minds and tune into the frequency of heaven, where God speaks the truth about you. We need to plant God’s truth inside our hearts and visit it every time we are told we are ugly and not wanted.
I know this isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.
We—especially women—encounter lies catalyzed by the enemy. Sometimes, external forces like certain movies, books, or even music barrage us with messages about who we are that are not always true. Maybe you’ve been told that you don’t have what it takes to land your dream job or that the man of your dreams is out of your league. Maybe you’re prone to believe lies about your appearance that make you feel like you’re not good enough. Maybe you’ve believed that you’re not smart enough because your report cards in school were filled with more bad grades than good ones. Maybe you’re worried that you’ll never be able to make enough money to move out of your current living situation and become a homeowner. Maybe you believe negative stereotypes about your race or ethnic background, and it makes you feel depressed. Maybe you believe that you’ll never have a true friend. Maybe you think you don’t deserve a relationship with Jesus Christ and that you’ll never be good enough for Him.
The good news is that those are all lies! God made you beautiful. God made you smart. If you’re meant to be married, God will make it happen at the right time. If you’re meant to land a dream job that pays well and helps you afford that home you want to own, God can make that happen too! We just need to believe in Him and trust His timeline for our life story.
Finally, if you believe the lie that you’re not worthy of God’s love, nothing can be further from the truth! The Bible says that God loves you so much that He sent His one and only Son (Jesus Christ) to die for you (John 3:16)! Yes, the Maker of the Universe thinks that you are worth dying for! The best news is that Jesus didn’t stay dead in the grave. He rose again and has defeated death. When we choose to follow Jesus and let Him into our hearts, we can follow His lead all the way to heaven. And in that glorious place, we will see the ultimate truth about how God sees us because we’ll be reconciled with Him and live in His presence for all eternity! We will never believe lies again, and we’ll be pain-free!
So the next time the lies you’re believing flood your mind, go to God! Ask Him to show you the truth about how He sees you, and then believe every word He says about you because that is the truth.
Let’s Pray: Dear God, Thank You for being our Heavenly Father. Help us to run to You when we’re hurt and feeling discouraged. Don’t let us believe the lies this world, the enemy, and some people around us tell us about ourselves. Teach us how to be anchored in the truth according to Your Word. And may the truth about how You see us renew our minds and help us to be a light for You in this dark world. In Jesus’s Name, I pray. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/FG Trade
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