Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz

Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz - February 20

February 20

Walking with God

Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You.

Psalm 143:8, nkjv

Every morning that I’m home, weather permitting, I walk with two friends for two and a half miles. We have to abide by two basic rules when we walk, or we can’t walk together. The first rule is that we must walk at the same pace. The second rule is that we must walk in the same direction. The same two rules apply when walking with God.

To walk at this pace means that we are living our lives in step-by-step obedience to His Word. To walk in the same direction means that we surrender the direction of our lives to Him. The only way we can know His pace and direction is to prayerfully read His Word.

What adjustments do you need to make so you can walk with God? Adjustments in your daily and weekly schedule? Adjustments in your attitude and ambition? Adjustments in your personal habits of prayer and Bible reading? Make sure you are not too busy for daily prayer and Bible reading or you will get out of step and lose your sense of direction.

God’s Story, (Nashville: W Publishing, 1997).

©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.


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•  The choice to forgive
•  The choice to pray

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