Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz

Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz - January 19

January 19

God of the Impossible

“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26, nkjv

God is a God of the impossible. When we are utterly helpless, He is our Helper. But He requires the cooperation of our obedience.

What seemingly impossible task has God given you to do? Have you done it, or are you procrastinating? What if Noah had procrastinated and told God he would build the ark but at a time when he felt he was more rested, more capable, when he had had sufficient training, when his financial situation was more stable, when his family was more self-sufficient, when it was just more convenient? If he had had the attitude many of us do when God gives us an assignment that is beyond our ability, he would have been totally exposed in his helplessness and unprepared for the awesome devastation when it struck.

Instead of procrastination, Noah obeyed without question or hesitation. Noah did everything just as God commanded him (see Gen. 6:22). What impossible task could you accomplish if you would cooperate with God by obeying His Word?


God’s Story, (Nashville: W Publishing, 1997). 

©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.


What are the secrets to a life of impact? Daniel achieved greatness in the eyes of his contemporaries, in the eyes of history, and most importantly, in the eyes of God. His faith did not waver as he faced his critics, as he served new kings in power, or even as he confronted hungry lions. How can we achieve that kind of faith today? Twenty intentional, key choices made all the difference. Daniel’s choices can be ours, such as:

•  The choice to listen
•  The choice to forgive
•  The choice to pray

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