Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz

Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz - March 18

March 18

Listening Carefully

I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. . . . I love Your law.

Psalm 119:162–163, nkjv

When have you totally misunderstood God’s Word?

     When He said, Love one another,”
                    did you think He meant to tolerate sin? (1 John 4:7)      

      When He said, “in all things God works for the good,”
                   did you think that every story has a happy ending? (Rom. 8:28)

When He said,“I will surely bless you,” did you think that He
                 would make you healthy, wealthy, happy, and problem free? (Heb. 6:14)

Isn’t it amazing how we can misinterpret what He says? Listening carefully to what God says is important, because if we misunderstand what He is saying, we set ourselves up for disappointment, discouragement, and disillusionment.

So . . . would you be quiet and listen with your eyes on the pages of your Bible? Listen for His still, small voice to whisper to your heart through His Word.

Why? (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2004).

©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.


What are the secrets to a life of impact? Daniel achieved greatness in the eyes of his contemporaries, in the eyes of history, and most importantly, in the eyes of God. His faith did not waver as he faced his critics, as he served new kings in power, or even as he confronted hungry lions. How can we achieve that kind of faith today? Twenty intentional, key choices made all the difference. Daniel’s choices can be ours, such as:

•  The choice to listen
•  The choice to forgive
•  The choice to pray

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