Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz

Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz - May 14

May 14

God Knows You and Me

He knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.

Psalm 103:L14, niv

God will never expect more from me than the Holy Spirit will do in and through me if I allow Him the freedom.

What a blessed relief to be reminded that God knows me—in fact, He knows me so well He understands that apart from Him I can do nothing.

I don’t have to prove myself to God.

I don’t have to worry about disappointing God.

I don’t have to earn His respect.

I don’t have to deserve His blessings.

I don’t have to work hard to be accepted.

I don’t have to produce a quota.

I don’t have to be successful.

He created me in the first place. “He knows how [I] am formed, he remembers that [I] am dust.” I am just a little dust person infused with the very breath of God!

Just Give me Jesus, (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2000).

©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.


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•  The choice to forgive
•  The choice to pray

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