Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz

Joy of My Heart with Anne Graham Lotz - October 11

October 11

Paying the Ultimate Price

“No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.”

John 15:20, niv

They didn’t just persecute Jesus; they crucified Him! How is it that you and I think we will be treated any better?

You may be thinking this doesn’t happen today. Yet it has been estimated by the World Christian Encyclopedia that more than 45 million men and women were put to death for their faith in Jesus Christ during the twentieth century! In recent years the estimate has averaged between 160,000 and 171,000 per year. Imagine! That’s more than 10,000 Christians dying for their faith every month! More than 400 per day!

While you and I are getting up in the morning, trying to decide what to wear and what to eat and where we will spend our vacation, somewhere in the world someone is paying the ultimate price for his or her relationship with Jesus! And I ask myself, would I be willing to do the same?

My Heart’s Cry

©2012 Anne Graham Lotz. All rights reserved.


What are the secrets to a life of impact? Daniel achieved greatness in the eyes of his contemporaries, in the eyes of history, and most importantly, in the eyes of God. His faith did not waver as he faced his critics, as he served new kings in power, or even as he confronted hungry lions. How can we achieve that kind of faith today? Twenty intentional, key choices made all the difference. Daniel’s choices can be ours, such as:

•  The choice to listen
•  The choice to forgive
•  The choice to pray

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