Living Free Every Day

The Sin of Proximity: Avoiding Temptation - Living Free - February 10

The Sin of Proximity: Avoiding Temptation 

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

"All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41 AMP

Thoughts for the Day
Are you immune to the temptation of sexual sin? The truth is, we all have boundaries that, if crossed, can result in the loss of self-control.

The sin of proximity happens when we allow ourselves to be enticed to sin by not avoiding events, people, places, objects, or anything else that we know will likely stir up lustful thoughts in our minds. Some would describe the sin of proximity as allowing ourselves to come into contact with the occasion for sin.

When we commit a sin of proximity, we are setting the stage for overt sin to occur. We are prone to lie to ourselves that what we are doing will not have consequences. We think we can play around the edges of sin without actually acting it out. This thinking is self-deceptive because sin has great power and, if entertained, can overwhelm us.

Consider this …
Avoiding the people or events or things that may tempt us to sexual sin is vital to overcoming sexual addiction or to avoid entering any kind of sexual sin. We must remember, however, that there is no formula for success in this path—otherwise, we would trust the formula and not God.

The rules are only tools to enable us to better love Jesus. The real key is to stay in fellowship with him—to "give strict attention, be cautious and active … and watch and pray."


Father, I know that only as I stay in close fellowship with you—through prayer and through your Word—will I be able to resist the temptations that come my way. I thank you for your love. Please give me the wisdom and strength to avoid situations and relationships that may entice me to sin. In Jesus' name …


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