Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Love Worth Finding - Apr. 15, 2012


Who is in the Spotlight?

“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me.” John 15:26

The Holy Spirit has one cause: to testify of Jesus Christ. He is very single-minded. He’s not interested in doing ten things for God – just one.

There are some who get caught up in the Holy Spirit. They focus on what He is doing – through miracles, healings, tongues, and more. Friend, beware of those who focus on making the Holy Spirit the figurehead of their faith.

The mark that a man is filled with the Holy Spirit is that he is always talking about Jesus Christ. He can’t do any more. He can do no less.

I challenge you to make this pledge to God: I will bring my talents, my business, my time, and my resources – all for the cause of Christ. This one thing I do – sink or swim, live or die – Jesus will be glorified in my life today and every day!

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Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God

This devotional journal with daily applications was designed several years ago by Adrian Rogers. This leather-bound keepsake will be a treasured addition to start your day out right!

Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." Order your copy today.

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