Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Do You Know Your Family’s Spiritual Heritage? - Love Worth Finding - July 3

Do you know your family’s spiritual heritage?


“That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.” Psalm 78:7

On June 8, 1845, Andrew Jackson said, “The Bible is the rock upon which our Republic rests.” Just a few years prior, in 1820, another of our forefathers, Daniel Webster, said, “Let us not forget the religious character of our origin.” In the days of our founding fathers, people didn’t quibble about the Bible’s importance. Our forefathers had the highest veneration for the Christian religion. They had journeyed in its light and labored in its hope. They sought to incorporate, listen to, and infuse its influence through all their institutions: civil, political, and literary. 

American heritage is important, but so is your personal spiritual heritage as a believer and as a family. Why not take some time this week to write down the spiritual heritage of your family?

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