Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Love Worth Finding - March 15, 2012



Jesus Above All Other Gods

“Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” John 6:68-69

Have you ever wondered why Christians were so persecuted in the days of the liberal Roman government? The Romans didn’t persecute other religious people, only Christians. Why did they pick on the Christians? Because the Christians proclaimed Jesus as Lord, and not Caesar.

The Romans were a polytheistic nation—they even built the Pantheon, which was a temple for all the gods that were worshiped in ancient Rome. When they subjugated and conquered a people, they let them keep their gods—on one condition—that they remember that Caesar was Lord.

As the world becomes more and more syncretized and headed toward a “One World” order, men and women who say that Jesus is the only true Lord are going to be persecuted. Will you stand and proclaim Jesus as Lord no matter what?

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Daybreak: Practicing the Presence of God

This devotional journal with daily applications was designed several years ago by Adrian Rogers. This leather-bound keepsake will be a treasured addition to start your day out right!

Each day you will begin with a nugget from one of his messages, a reading from God's Word, and a place to write your "Spiritual concerns and prayer requests." Order your copy today.

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