A Fully Committed Life - Love Worth Finding - March 2
March 2, 2025 – A Fully Committed Life
Colossians 3:2-3
Sermon: 2067 Salvation, Part 2
Pray Over This
“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:2-3
Ponder This
Many of us talk about Jesus being our Savior but we fail to also confess Him as Lord. That means to take yourself off the throne of your life and put Jesus Christ there. Salvation is not just some intellectual belief that you tack on; it is committing everything to the Lord Jesus.
Imagine there’s been a wedding, and the newlyweds, Sue and Bill, are driving away from the celebration. Sue says to Bill, “It was a beautiful wedding. I just enjoyed it so much. Now, Bill, will you take me home?” He replies, “Sue, we can’t go home yet, the house is not ready.” Then Sue says, “I don't mean that home, I mean my home. I want you to take me back to my mother. I have accepted you as my husband, but I want to go back to normal. Don’t expect me to change the way I’ve been living. I hope to see you on weekends if it’s convenient. I’m glad that you’re committed to taking care of me. So, Bill, if I’m sick or need money or have any problems, you know I can call on you because, after all, I’ve taken you as my husband. But you need to take your hands off my life.” What kind of a marriage would that be? It’s the same kind of salvation some people think they have. It doesn’t work. Jesus’ lordship must change your life. Set your mind fully on Him because you are now hidden in Him.
- Why is it easier to accept Jesus as Savior than as Lord? Are you sure you have accepted Him as both? Explain.
- What are some ways Jesus’ lordship has changed your life? What are some things that have been slower to change?
Practice This
Surrender to God the areas in which you have been hesitant to submit to His lordship.
For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit www.lwf.org.
You can also listen to Adrian Rogers at OnePlace.com.