Building a Bridge Over Niagara Falls - Love Worth Finding - March 23
March 23, 2025 – Building a Bridge Over Niagara Falls
2 Corinthians 5:7
Sermon: 1358 The Wings of Faith, Part 2
Pray Over This
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7
Ponder This
Faith is belief with legs on it. We are to run with endurance. How does an Olympic runner develop his skill? There’s only one way: not by studying books about running, but by running. How are you going to develop your faith? You do this not just by listening to sermons on faith but by believing God. Find something you can believe God for and begin to believe Him. And you’ll see yourself growing in grace.
I was reading a book about how they built the first bridge over the Niagara River at Niagara Falls. It was very interesting: First, to cross the river, they tied a string to a kite and flew it to the far side. Then, to that string, they tied a cord and brought the cord back across to the first side by pulling the string. From that cord, they tied a rope and brought it back across to the far side again. Lastly, to that rope, they tied a chain and brought the chain back across to the first side. They tightened the chain to build a solid line, and as a result they were able to build a mighty bridge. Growing in trusting God can start out like this: Begin by believing God for something. He can build our belief into mighty faith.
- Think about a time when you had to believe God? How did this stretch and challenge you?
- What are some things you need to trust God with now?
Practice This
Write down some areas in which you need to practice faith in God. Lift those things up in prayer. Keep up with how you see those prayers answered in the future.
Do you live like you have faith that He hears your prayers?
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