Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Do You Dwell on the Cross? - Love Worth Finding - March 30

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March 30, 2022 – Do You Dwell on the Cross?

Luke 22:53

Sermon: 1644 – An Old Testament Calvary

Pray Over This

“When I was with you daily in the temple, you did not try to seize Me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.” Luke 22:53 Ponder This In this verse, Jesus referred to the power of Satan. Hell had a holiday and demons taunted and tormented the Lord Jesus when He was on the cross. God-forsaken, attacked by Satan, and abused by men, Jesus suffered, bled, and died for you at the holy hand of God, the hateful hand of man, and the hellish hand of Satan.

That’s the agony of the cross. How can we be unmoved? How can we ignore such love? How can we go idly on our way when Jesus Christ paid that price for us? You may wonder, “Did He really take my hell? He was only there for six hours on the cross.” But in six hours, Jesus suffered everything you’d suffer for eternity. He, being infinite, suffered in a finite period, what you as a finite being would suffer in an infinite period. The sins of the world were distilled upon Jesus and eternities were compressed upon the Lord Jesus. No one ever suffered like Jesus, and it was for your sake.

  • What stands out to you about the fact that Jesus suffered for your sake?
  • How does it change your perspective of God to remember He willingly sent Jesus to suffer so you would be restored to Him?

Practice This

Make a list of ways you know Jesus suffered. Prayerfully reflect over this list and thank God that this was done for your sake.

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