Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Do Not Wait Too Long - Love Worth Finding - May 22

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May 22, 2022 – Do Not Wait Too Long

Hebrews 9:27

Sermon: 1021 – Crossing God’s Deadline

Pray Over This

“It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.”

Hebrews 9:27

Ponder This

Is there a chance after death? Absolutely not. There are some people who teach and preach that we have a second chance—after we die—to get right with God. That is false, that is heresy, and I do not want to leave that hope to you. If you want to be saved, you may be saved. If you need to be saved, Christ can save you. And whosoever will is able to come, but I want to tell you with all of the urgency, emergency, function, and unction of my soul, you will not come to the judgment of God and be able to throw yourself on the mercy of the court and say, “God I now believe; have mercy, God. Please save me.” If you want mercy, you may have it. If you want grace, you may have it. If you want forgiveness, you may have it. But you must have it in this life. The Bible says now is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation. The Bible says it is appointed for man to die once; after this, there is not a second chance, there is judgment.

  • What is the urgency of today’s verse?
  • Have you turned to Christ for salvation? If not, how do you need to respond? If so, why should you be compelled to share with others?

Practice This

Make a list of people you will pray for regularly to come to know Christ. Pray that these people will not reject the opportunity to know Christ in this life.

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