Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Is Your Life Is a Tangled Tapestry? - Love Worth Finding - May 4

Is Your Life Is a Tangled Tapestry?


“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8

There’s an oft-repeated illustration about an old bookmark. On one side, it’s beautifully embroidered and says, “God is Love.” But on the other side, it’s just a mass of tangled threads. In order to embroider it on one side, you must have all those threads on the other.

Now, some just look at it from the back side, and they see only the mess. They don’t know the ways of God and that God is love. But you see, our ways and God’s ways are so different.  You’ll never have peace—that deep peace—until you understand that the ways of God are often confusing to human wisdom. We see events like a tangled tapestry. He sees far into the future.

What issue in your life do you need to surrender to Him today? Confess: “I do not understand, O God, but I know you are faithful. You are trustworthy.”

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