Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

What’s “Kosher” on Sundays? - Love Worth Finding - May 6

What’s “kosher” on Sundays?


Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8

Is it okay to watch television on Sunday? Is it okay to go to a ball game on Sunday? Is it okay to eat out on Sunday? Is it okay to read the newspaper on Sunday? Can I play softball on Sunday? Can I go out on a boat on Sunday? Can I go to the grocery store if we’re out of milk on Sunday?

We hear questions like these all the time. But do you know what’s wrong with them? You’re asking the wrong man. It’s not my day—it’s the Lord’s day. Ask Him.

Ask God, “How can I honor You on the Lord’s Day so at the end of the day I can know that it was indeed Your day?”

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