T.G.I.F. (Today God Is First), with Os Hillman

Confronting Evil - TGIF - Today God Is First 6/4

Confronting Evil

June 4

"The LORD sent Nathan to David" (2 Sam 12:1).

There are times when evil must be confronted. When God judges a situation He often uses His servants as vessels for communicating to the guilty party. Such was the case with David who tried to conceal his sin of sleeping with Bathsheba and then orchestrating a cover-up plot that led to her husband being intentionally setup to be killed on the battlefield. It was a wicked deed that became the most significant black mark upon David's life.

There are times in the workplace where God may want to use you to be the instrument of God to bring righteousness to a situation. Sherron Watkins was a finance president at Enron, the now famous Houston-based energy company that went bankrupt because of financial fraud by top level executives. By the summer of 2001, Sherron had become suspicious of her company's accounting practices.

Watkins struggled with what she was to do when she discovered what was going on. She thought she might lose her job if she confronted other top level managers. Yet, if she did not do something, it could impact the entire company and its employees. Sherron was a Christian and knew God was calling her to do something.

At first, she decided to use constructive ways to bring the problem to her superiors. Eventually, she met with CEO, Kenneth Lay and outlined the elaborate accounting hoax that she believed was going on in the company. She was ignored. Months later the company collapsed when the problems came to light and Lay was convicted on 10 counts of conspiracy.

Sherron Watkins served as a modern-day Esther in the corporate world to expose a scandal that would destroy a company. She was recognized as Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" in 2002 for her role in exposing the scandal.

Are you willing to be the instrument of God, if necessary, to expose unrighteousness?

For more from Os Hillman and T.G.I.F., visit todaygodisfirst.com