I Do Every Day

At Work, I Look Hotter Than This - I Do Every Day - February 1

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At Work, I Look Hotter Than This
By Janel Breitenstein

Confession: I am a more attractive wife at work. (My husband does not share my workplace.)

When clients see me, I smell good. I wear makeup. I am patient. I pick up the phone with pleasantries and aptly-timed laughs.

I like myself more at work. I am even-keeled, wise, optimistic. I am thoughtful in my contributions. I accomplish projects with healthy teamwork.

Snapped at just the right moment, work gives me a high-five image of myself.

Work can be a (somewhat artificial) haven of feeling effective and successful and admired. It’s something we might not feel one iota at home—the location of the disappointed spouse, mouthy teenager, and running toilet.

In fact, coworkers generally clean up after themselves. Though not without exception, we treat each other with dignity and class.

In Present over Perfect, author Shauna Niequist reflects,

It’s easier to show up and be a hit for an hour than it is to get down on the floor with your kids when you’re so tired … It’s easier to be charming on a conference call than it is to traverse the distance between you and your spouse, the distance you created.

Turns out my kids don’t pay much of a salary. And if there were a performance review at home? Let’s just say there’d be some glaring weaknesses.

But whether Jesus leads me through the laundry room (well, once we make a path) or the board room, there’s one Boss, one critical task (doing the work of Him who sent me, as per John 4:34).

Some jobs may be a lot harder. A lot less appreciated. A lot less sexy.

But Jesus didn’t actually call me to be impressive or get drunk on my own performance. He asked me instead to go anywhere, do anything (see Matthew 16:24-25).

And it starts in my own backyard.

Read on to find 10 ideas for “Balancing Work and Family.”

The Good Stuff: And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)

Action Points: In what environment do you feel like the most winsome version of yourself? How might that environment prevent you from seeing the more negative version of yourself? In what ways might you be more dedicated professionally than you are in your home?

I Do Every Day Let’s Go Vertical! prayer guide

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