I Do Every Day

Unlock that Romantic Beast Within - I Do Every Day - March 6

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Unlock that Romantic Beast Within
By Justin Talbert

True romance, flirtation, and crazy-fun dates begin in marriage.

When you’re thinking “Whew! I’m married now. Glad I sealed the deal. Time to sit back and chill”—prepare yourself for an epic fail.

Marriages that deconstruct into divorce or that cold numbness we all fear have forgotten how to have fun as a couple.

Fun is downright essential to every marriage. Which is why dating—crazy-fun, expectation-shattering dating—is paramount.

God intends every spouse to be a pursuing spouse. We are to “live with your wives in an understanding way” (1 Peter 3:7), implying a lifetime of pursuing a greater knowledge of her!

When I take a good look at my wife, I gotta start dreaming: “Hmm, what can I do this week to make her feel like a million bucks?”

Here’s the key: it’s all about that next step. Just think, next step.

So planning a dinner date is good. Especially if they’re not expecting it. But you can do better. Take the next step.

Call the restaurant ahead and arrange a romantic (or silly!) shtick that the waiter is in on. Get creative. And crazy. Then, if you’re daring enough, take the next step!

Have a hand-written, romantic letter leaning against their pillow when you return home.

Honestly, it just takes a bit of thought. Go ahead and unchain that romantic monster within.

Jesus pursues us with abundant love. I can’t help but think of the woman in Matthew 9 who touched Jesus’ garment. He stopped what He was doing to pursue her: “Take heart, daughter,” He says. Jesus is intentional. He sees her; enters into her private pain.

Pursue your spouse in such a way that they can actually believe God pursues them!

And here’s what’s cool. As much as they will benefit from it, you will benefit, too. They’ll tell everyone how romantic you are, reciting old dating stories around the family table for decades to come.

All it took was that next step. Stay fun and pursue, you romantic beast.

What do you do when the “Romance is Gone”?

The Good Stuff: See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (1 John 3:1-2)

Action Points: Plan a date for this month where you can think through at least two “next steps.” Then enjoy your spouse’s delight in your intentional pursuit!

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