I Do Every Day

What Your Husband Really Wants for Christmas - I Do Every Day - December 9

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What Your Husband Really Wants for Christmas
By Lisa Lakey

I love Christmas shopping. I’ll spend weeks before the big day searching for the right gift that conveys just what that particular person means to me or our family.

But when it comes to my husband, I’m usually stuck. Outside of something with four-wheel drive or a large outboard motor, there isn’t much he wants.

So where does that leave wives who really want to express to our husbands just how much they mean to us? I asked a few guys. Here is what your husband really wants for Christmas.

Your involvement in his passions. My husband is an avid outdoor sportsman. Fishing, hunting, golf. He loves them all. Me, not so much. But I’ll do it anyway to join that part of his world.

So plan something for just the two of you this season. Wrap up some his and hers camo under the tree, or pick up two copies of a book he has mentioned wanting. Whatever his hobby is, find a way to be a part of it.

Respect and admiration. To most men, respect=love.

So how do you give respect for Christmas? Tell him all the ways his guidance has helped you over the years. Remind him of all the ways he is leading your family well and the many things you adore about him.

Your undivided attention. Women tend to take on a lot this time of year. But if we aren’t careful, the holiday busyness can quickly pull us away from the true meaning of Christmas … and even farther away from our husbands.

This year, carve out time to take him to his favorite restaurant for lunch or dinner and then listen to how he’s doing and what’s going on in his life. Or if your budget allows, place a box under the tree with hotel reservations for a night away—just the two of you.

And here is one more thing your husband would appreciate: Some slack.

My precious husband and I are like night and day all year long, but at no other time is it more apparent than during the holiday season. When I expect him to react to all the festivities with the same level of glee and zest as I do, it spoils it for both of us. And that is not how I want to spend the holidays with my love.

Learn more about “The Power of a Wife’s Affirmation.”

The Good Stuff: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)

Action Points: What’s one gift that really shows your husband what you think of him? You don’t have to wait until Christmas morning to show him you care.

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