I Do Every Day

Schoolhouse Rock for Marriage - I Do Every Day - June 5

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Schoolhouse Rock for Marriage
By Lisa Lakey

Some things from childhood just stick with you. And I definitely remember the days of Schoolhouse Rock.

Conjunction junction, what’s your function?

But my favorite was the one about how a bill becomes a law. At the ripe age of 9, I dreamed of a career in law and politics. I just knew I could get Bill to Capital Hill so much faster …

Long past the days of elementary school (and political dreams) now, I wish they’d come up with a few for adult life—and marriage.

Communication Station, maybe? I think I’m onto something here. Or how about instead of “Unpack Your Adjectives,” a jaunty little tune about “Unpacking Your Emotional Baggage”?

Because marriage can be confusing. Right when you think you have it all figured out, you have to learn something new. (My husband would say this is especially true if you are married to me.)

And married life might be a little easier if we could sing our way through it.

But the truth is, a lot of marriage is a learn-as-you-go lesson. You can read all the books, sign up for all the devotions (thanks, by the way), absorb all you can ahead of the big day. (And that’s good, really.)

But even if you are the most prepared spouse in the history of spouseness, marriage is going to throw you a curveball.

Maybe it’s an affair. Or a miscarriage. Or that long-conquered pain suddenly resurfaces without any prompting you can find.

And rhyming words can’t help you through that.

It’s through these tough times we learn the lessons of humility, peace, contentment, and utter dependence on God. In the tough times, He draws us closer to Him. To be more like Him.

During those times? Seek help—godly counsel. Push through to better communication with your spouse. But don’t fast forward past the lesson God has on the other side of the pain. It can’t be condensed or learned in five minutes. But it will be unforgettable.

Marriage is one big schoolhouse. But God is a fantastic Teacher.

Need a lesson on communication? Listen to, “Communication Tools that Work.”

The Good Stuff: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Action Points: Whatever your current marriage situation is, good or bad, ask God what He would have you learn through it. (And hey, a sweet song of praise won’t hurt!)

I Do Every Day Let’s Go Vertical! prayer guide

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