Daily Devotionals

NIV Devotions for Women - Week of March 24

At Issue - Doubting God

Verse: Exodus 5:22-23

Shouldn’t a goal or ministry, if it’s truly from God, be achieved without problems or setbacks? We’ve done exactly what’s expected of us—why are things still going wrong? It’s normal to feel frustrated and confused in moments like these. Moses did. He wasn’t afraid to share his true feelings with God. Our doubts do not anger God. In fact, God uses roadblocks in our lives to make us doubt our own plans and rely on him. You may have the perfect skills for the job, but your true strength will always come when you’re resting in God’s arms.

This devotion is from the NIV New Women's Devotional Bible or True Identity by Zondervan. Used with permission.


NIV Devotions for Women, Christian Bible Study Devotional

The NIV Devotions for Women is a free Bible devotional written by women, for women. Find advice, encouragement and inspiration for your walk with Jesus. Spend time in the Word of God with Women's Study Bible and True Identity Devotionals.