One Year Devotions for Women

Never Again - One Year Devotions for Women

“I will remember my covenant with you and with everything that lives. Never again will there be a flood that will destroy all life.” - Genesis 9:15

When God says, “Never again,” he means never again! No doubt Noah believed God’s word. One experience of the faithfulness of God leads us to trust in him more. Life’s experiences help us to look back and see God’s promises and judgments that have come true.

Noah began his new life in a brand-new world very wisely. He had a worship and devotional time! It was a time to praise and thank God for his faithfulness. And perhaps he needed God to assure him that things would be better in the future. Noah and his family had just “ridden out” the storm, and now it was time to move on with their lives.

After a cataclysmic event in your life, it helps to reestablish your devotional life. It’s more important than ever to listen for God’s “never again” and start looking for rainbows. Spend time reading the promises of God in the Bible. Underline them if it helps.

But what exactly can we be sure about? God promises that sin need never again control us (Romans 8:9-11). He promises that we need not be afraid ever again (John 14:27). He promises that his peace will guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7). He promises that we need never be ignorant of his will, for his word will be a “lamp” and “light” to our path (Psalm 119:105). He promises that we need never again be defeated Christians (Romans 8:37). As we read our Bibles, God’s rainbows color our perspective. Be encouraged! God’s promises never fail.

For Further Study: Genesis 9:1-17

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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