One Year Devotions for Women

Winged Words - One Year Devotions for Women

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The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. - Isaiah 50:4

Isaiah spoke of the Christ who would come to earth with the “know-how” to wing his words into the hearts of the weary. As his Father had taught him, so would he speak.

When Christ was about to leave this world, he promised to send the same Spirit of truth that in-dwelt him to indwell us. This way we, too, could have the “know-how” to speak a word to the weary at the right time and in the right way. Our part would be to waken morning by morning “to hear” what he has to say and to “be open” to under-standing his will! Then we would be ready for anything and anybody.

You and I are promised the “know-how” to answer a hostile teenager, even if we haven’t had time to read a book on child rearing or pick up the phone to ask a friend’s advice! We will discover that we can cope with an unbeliever’s questions, however young we may be as Christians. We will find that the Christ within us will make our tongue know what to say to the weary ones around us, seasoned words that will help to ease their sufferings. In Christ we are promised both the “know-how” and the “know-when” that we cannot possibly know without him!

For Further Study: Isaiah 50:4-11

Excerpted from The One Year Devotions for Women, Copyright ©2000 by Jill Briscoe. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

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