Parenting by Design

Parenting by Design - February 4

Strength through His Word

Prov. 29:18: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law (NIV).

The "revelation" referred to in this passage is the Word of God. Have you noticed when you don't spend time with God's Word, you feel less connected to Him and it is harder to live life with an eternal perspective? Before long, the world's influence on you grows and your ability to say "no" to temptation weakens. I was reminded of my own weakness recently at a birthday party when one mom announced, "I haven't yelled at my children in 21 days!  Being in the Word really helps me stay in check."

Many times we want to experience God's power without investing the time to build a relationship with Him through Bible study and prayer. It is easy to postpone these things because of our busy schedules, and then wonder why our lives feel out of control and chaotic. The truth is we make time for the things that are important to us. No matter how busy you are, make your relationship with God your top priority.

Nurture your relationship with God by staying in His Word each day.