Parenting by Design

Parenting by Design - January 9

Leadership Under Stress

Matt. 2:14-15:  So he (Joseph) got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod.

Great family leaders possess an inner strength and faith that allows them to be patient and calm. Joseph was such a leader. On three separate occasions, he obeyed the instructions of the angel of the Lord even though his obedience came at a great personal and financial cost. In the face of frightening circumstances, Joseph's actions do not seem to be driven by panic and fear. Instead, he conducted himself in a way that reflected his deep and convicting faith in God.

When we have faith in God, circumstances will no longer dictate our peace and contentment. We are able to be patient and wait on God's timing instead of forcing our own agenda.

If you often find yourself overwhelmed and frightened as you lead your family, consider where you are putting your trust. Few of us will be challenged to obey in as dramatic a fashion as Joseph, but we can let his faithful example inspire us to lead our families in calmness and faith.

Let your faith give you the strength that allows you to lead with patience and calmness.