Parenting by Design - March 5
Serving the one true God
Deut. 32:12: The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him (NIV).
This verse refers to the journey of the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt to the Promised Land. God alone led the Israelites through the desert. They faced difficulties and trials, many of their own making, but through it all, it was very obvious that God was the only one that could protect and prosper them.
When we guide our children, we should follow God's example and let them know that no foreign god should be allowed to come between them and the one true God. Keep in mind that "foreign gods" take a variety of forms in today's world, such as money, power, beauty, and fame. We must be diligent to watch for the influence of these gods in our lives and the lives of our children.
Let your children know that the Lord alone is sufficient to lead your family.