Parenting by Design

Parenting by Design - March 6

Soldiers for the Lord

2 Chron. 16:9: "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (NIV).

There is a great spiritual battle raging in the supernatural world. God declared war on Satan and his armies, and He chose people like us as His soldiers. As odd as that may seem, it works perfectly for God's plan because God often uses the weak to shame the strong and to demonstrate His awesome power.

He used Joshua's shouting and trumpets, Gideon's torches and pots, and David's sling to reveal His glory. In fact, He has already won the war against Satan with Christ's death on a Roman cross. It is already over and God has won!

When you sense spiritual warfare in your life, remember that you are a soldier in the greatest army ever assembled. You are strong beyond your wildest dreams when you rely on the power of the General of your army. He delights in defeating His enemies and yours with the simplest and weakest of us.

No enemy, no matter how imposing, can defeat just one soldier of God relying on His power!