Parenting by Design - March 18
Praying after the meal?
Deut. 8:10: When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you (NIV).
If you think about it, maybe we should be thanking God for our meals after we have eaten them, rather than before. Often we go through a robotic mumbled prayer before dinner, so we can get to the food right in front of us. We can't wait to dig in!
But there are many people throughout the world that don't get even one good meal in a day. We are truly blessed when we do. Maybe Moses had it right when he told the Israelites to wait and pray after they have eaten, when they are relaxed and full and thankful. Following his example would certainly open up the opportunity to talk to your kids about God's provision for your family.
For a change in routine, consider praying and thanking God after the meal rather than before.