Power Point - April 19, 2006
April 19, 2006
Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.
--2 Timothy 2:3-4
Today, I want to ask you a very simple question: As a believer, are you a volunteer in God’s army… or are you watching while others are at war?
As a pastor, I see the need all the time for more reinforcements. And it’s because so many Christians are watching instead of being in the battle!
I know there are a lot of pastors today who would skirt around this issue, but let me tell it to you straight: Sitting on the sidelines while your brothers and sisters in Christ are warring is a sin. And it’s time we call it that!
Friend, as a child of God, you’ve been given the tools, the resources, and the gifts you need to make a difference for the Kingdom.
So I want to challenge you today… if you aren’t plugged into your local church and serving the Lord with your talents and abilities, then gear up and start being a soldier for Christ!