PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - April 26, 2005

April 26, 2005


“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent me.”

--John 17:20-21


Many Christians and churches are divided today. Even the disciples of Jesus Christ quarreled in the very presence of the Lord—fighting for position and involving themselves in petty disturbances and foolish irritations.  Throughout history, the church of Christ has divided over the most senseless preoccupations. No wonder there is so much confusion in the world among people who don’t know Jesus when they hear of these separations.


Imagine someone who is seeking truth by opening the religion section of a local newspaper and browsing through denominations, churches, factions, and sects. It’s a wonder that anyone believes in Jesus with all of the confusion that is around. How would that person know what to believe while searching through the newspaper? That is why unity is vital for the church of Jesus Christ if it’s going to glorify God and influence our generation for Him.


Don’t get unity and uniformity confused. There’s a difference between the two. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-22 for us to be one. Over the years, some have suggested that we put aside our doctrinal distinction and delude our sacred beliefs for the sake of unity. In other words, let’s just put everyone in one big pot and make them act, look, and believe the same. But this is absolutely NOT what Jesus was praying for us in this Scripture.


Jesus knew fully of the various denominations that would arise in the world and the distinctiveness of His body that would be expressed. And yet He prayed, “Lord, let them be one.” Unity is never manmade and it always allows for diversity. Just like when two people marry and become one blending personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, so each member in the body of believers has differences that make him or her unique and thereby strengthens the church.


If you find yourself constantly battling other believers, then stop! Don’t let divisive spirits and petty, selfish attitudes divide and dishonor the name of Christ and his church. Embrace the differences and uniqueness of each believer created by God. Learn to come together with the body of Christ to bring glory to His name and make a difference in this generation.