PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Aug. 25, 2006

August 25, 2006


Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.


--1 Corinthians 12:4


God has blessed every Christian with spiritual gifts—talents and abilities given to us to accomplish His kingdom work.


First Corinthians tells us that God has bestowed certain gifts on certain people, and that He has a specific use for each gift within His Church. Nothing is wasted or unimportant in the work of Christ! Every gift you possess as a believer can be used for ministry.


God also bestows a variety of gifts to each believer, and we can use our diverse gifts to help achieve the same goal. This is hard for the world to grasp, because most people think that diversity breeds trouble and disagreement.


But this is not so in the body of Christ! So look for ways to plug your gifts into His work. If you sing well, sing about God’s love. If you teach well, teach others about Christ! That is how Christ accomplishes His work through His Church, by everyone cooperating and using their spiritual gifts.


Today I want to ask you, what are your spiritual gifts? If you don’t know, ask those who know you to help you identify them and start using them. If you know where your gifts lie, make sure you are using them to effectively minister in the church. Offer your gifts to the Lord, and watch how He uses you to impact others!