PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - August 15, 2005

August 15, 2005


Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

--1 Corinthians 13:1


During one particular appointment, a group of university students at Oxford waited eagerly to hear Winston Churchill speak. After a long and eloquent introduction, Churchill stood at the platform and said, “Never, never, never, never, never, never give up!” These few words encouraged a nation to persevere through war.


“Love” has even been called the most important word in the English language. And in all of human literature, 1 Corinthians 13 is certainly a collection of the most powerful words regarding love. Today, the idea of love infiltrates magazines, books, songs, poems, plays, games, movies, and everyday conversation. Unfortunately, most people mistake love for sex and lust, and there is clearly a huge difference between the two.


The word, “love,” has a very powerful meaning. However, Paul said that words are empty if love doesn’t exist in them. Even the greatest truth spoken in an unloving way is empty. But if we have love, we can even communicate without words. How many times have you heard someone say: “Don’t just tell me that you love me—show me”?


In this passage of Scripture, Paul uses the words agape, which means the love of God (see John 3:16). Agape love is sacrificial, self-giving, and never fails. You can choose to love, or choose not to love. You can’t “feel” your way into loving, but instead you have to love your way into feeling. When you choose to love someone, you express the Christ’s love.


Just as your car has a gasoline tank, I believe people have emotional tanks that need to be filled with love. If you don’t love, you will constantly be emotionally empty. Choose to love the people in your life—your spouse, children, coworkers, and friends—regardless of how you may feel. Ask the Lord to fill your emotional tank with agape love so pass it along to others.