PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Dec. 4, 2006

December 4, 2006


“Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”


                                                                                                --Exodus 3:10


When God made this declaration to Moses, it was a frightening moment for him. It’s the last thing he thought God would ask him to do!


Moses had a challenge he had to face if he was going to be what God wanted him to be. He had to break free from his fears if he was going to return to Egypt to set the Israelites free from their slavery to Pharaoh.


Moses didn’t want to leave his “comfort zone” in the wilderness, but God called Moses to be His witness and representative to the world.


You see, like Moses, most Christians have to face their fears if they are going to be a strong witness for God in today’s world. Satan wants us to keep our feet planted in the things of the world. He wants us to do absolutely nothing that will stick out or make an impact, but to quietly blend into the fabric of society. 


The devil tries to convince us that it’s too risky to take a courageous stand for the Lord or that if we try to tell others about Jesus they will reject us or cause us trouble. So we often find it difficult to break free from our fears to be the witness God wants us to be.


Don’t be afraid to step out and follow God’s leading to tell others that you believe in Jesus, both by your lips and your life. If we truly believe He is the only way to heaven, we have a message the world needs to hear!