Power Point - December 22, 2005
December 22, 2005
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
--Isaiah 9:6
This Christmas, you may be spending the holiday alone after the loss of a loved one, or the breakup of your marriage. As a result, it has probably left you discouraged and depressed with feelings of anxiety, fear, separation, and loneliness. This season, if you’re dealing with any of these things, then it’s important that you not miss the peace of our Savior.
In the New Testament, the word for peace actually means “wholeness, completeness, or putting the pieces together.” The idea of peace in the Scripture has nothing to do with what’s going on all around us, but has everything to do with what’s going on inside. It focuses on security, safety, tranquility, and serenity despite life’s trouble.
It’s been said that peace is not the subtraction of problems or perplexities in life, but rather it is the addition of strength and power to meet those problems head on. The Prince of Peace takes care of the dullness, decisions, demands, dimensions, and disturbances of life. Don’t be fooled — peace is not a process or product. It isn’t a drug, pill, toy, or new relationship with a new someone. It is the gift of God and presence of Jesus Christ living in us.
Know that Satan will try to rob you of your peace. So be prepared to fight his attempts to destroy by staying in God’s Word, praying unceasingly, and praising Him constantly. Whatever you’re dealing with this holiday, you can know incredible serenity of heart, mind, and soul if you know the Prince of Peace. If you are dealing with loneliness or separation, pray the God would give you “peace that passes understanding” (Philippians 4:7).