PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - December 24, 2004


December 24, 2004


And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

- Luke 2:13-14


I once read some statistics about Christmas. Americans spend $8.5 billion during the Christmas season. Of that, $150 million is for wrapping paper, $100 million is spent on trees, and $200 million on postage. I think a lot of people somehow think that they can “buy” the joy and happiness of Christmas. Some people have even been singing “Joy to the Mall” the past two weeks.


I encourage you to discover joy, seek simplicity, and encourage spiritual growth this Christmas within your own heart and your family’s. Don’t substitute material things for temporal things, but rather seek that which is spiritual and eternal. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—don’t miss Christmas and what it’s truly about.


You know…there were some people that missed Christmas when Jesus was born. The innkeeper missed the whole thing. The guests at the inn missed it. Herod missed it. The religious leaders missed it. And it’s possible that we may miss it, if we don’t seek to grow spiritually and seek to develop our walk with God through His Word.


This season, avoid the seduction of sin, schedule times of family worship and togetherness, review past holiday blessings, give thanks, and remember to share your faith with others. This is a time to exalt Christ, to put Him first, and to share what is most meaningful—our faith in Him. Spend less time this season trying to impress or please other people. Rather, focus on worshipping the Lord for what He’s done in your life this year.


Don’t wake up at the end of this month and say, “Where did the year go?” Commit to being stronger and more faithful in obedience to the Lord each and every day of the year. Seek to praise the Lord in celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on that blessed night. May God bless you and your family! Have a very Merry Christmas!