PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - February 1, 2005


February 1, 2005


[Jesus said], “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of heaven.”

-Luke 9:62


How many times do people fail to live up to their potential because they’re constantly living in the past? Their constantly looking through the rearview mirror to reminisce on their past fears, failures, and frustrations. But, you can’t live for the Lord today looking back to yesterday.


I wonder how many of us carry our childhood and youthful insecurities into adulthood. I can remember when I was in the seventh grade and I had a major case of insecurity. My family had moved to Texas and I discovered Mexican food and pizza and had become pudgy. In English class one day, the girl that I liked better than anybody, Zana Underwood, was called to the board to fill in a blank space with an adverb to complete a sentence.


So she wrote: “Jack is chubby.” It killed me! I wanted to crawl under my desk, and it made me lose weight. But you know…I remember that distinctly. Isn’t it amazing? Things that people have said that we let worry us and cause us to become limited. God already knows everything about you—every glitch, stitch, scar, sin, and shortcoming.


And he still says: “You’re a promise! I want to do something great with your life. Stop comparing yourself to others!” And just like we do, Joshua could have compared himself with Moses as long as he lived, but he knew there was no comparison and God had made him for a unique purpose. Have you been living in the past? Are you willing to get out of yesterday and start living today? Bury your past, remember what Christ has done for you, and go forward by faith!