PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - February 16, 2005


February 16, 2005


“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

-John 14:27


I heard about a man by the name of Albert Amatude, who was over 100 years old, and still walked 3 to 4 miles a day. He said that his physical and daily exercise was the key to his health and longevity.


His doctor wanted to probe a little further and asked Albert, “You’re over 100 and you walk three to four miles a day, but what do you do when it rains?”


With a twinkle in his eye, Albert said, “I put on a raincoat.”


Sometimes the answer is so simple and obvious. Maybe you feel, today, a little like I feel when I take my annual physical. All that poking, probing, and prodding around my ears, eyes, nose…checking body fat, blood pressure, and exhaustion levels. All this time, the doctor is looking at you with a sober, serious expression. After they’ve dunked, depleted, and drained me…I just sort of sit there feeling like my physical has turned out more like a college hazing than a medical procedure.


But, when the doctor delivers the good news that all is good with my health, it calms me down every time. Maybe you’ve been pressured, pushed, and dunked in life and now you’re just sitting there wondering what in the world just happened. Well, the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus, comes along with words of comfort and council.


As believers, God promises us a wonderful, glorious, internal, invisible, and yet unmistakable peace. You can’t describe it, but you know when you experience it. How do you get this kind of peace in your life? The answer is simple…recognize that God is peace and He extends wants to extend it to you. If you feel like you’ve been shoved into a pressure cooker and now you’re completely drained, then ask God to cover you with “the peace that passes all understanding” (Phil. 4:7).