PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - February 2, 2005


February 2, 2005


This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, they you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

-Joshua 1:8


How much pain and how many mistakes could we avoid if we would just check the Bible, our owner’s manual, and know the Scriptures? 


A while ago, I read of a lady who was captured and held for three years in a Chinese concentration camp. She was a believer and missionary, and during her three-year tenure she took time to memorize the Bible. She obediently memorized the entire Gospel of John and other lengthy portions of Scripture. She filled her mind every moment that she could with God’s Word while living in darkness and tortured in isolation.


When she was released, she seemed to be the only one of all the other prisoners who was smiling. As the prisoners walked out, most of them downcast, an American newspaper reporter who was waiting on the other side said to another, “She must be brainwashed.” And a Christian standing nearby who knew her said to them, “That’s right! She’s brainwashed…she washed her brain everyday in the Word of God!”


Get the Word of God in your heart.  Meditate upon it day and night.  Study the Scriptures. And obey God. Too many believers just want to get things from God, rather than spending time with Him and obeying Him. Refuse to live with that kind of attitude today, and remember that God blesses obedience.