Power Point - February 8, 2005
February 8, 2005
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory.
-Joshua 1:3-4
Aren’t you tired of being bored for the Christian life? Aren’t you tired of status quo Christianity? Aren’t you ready to get real? Aren’t you ready to get radical in the faith of Christ? Some church members have just enough religion to make them miserable.
It’s sort of like the fellow that was visited by members of a local church because he hadn’t been in months. The church members said, “Well, we sure miss you at church.”
The man replied, “Well, you know, I’ve been out of town a lot and I’ve been working some on Sundays. And after all, it’s been raining every Sunday.”
One of the members said, “Well, it’s dry at church.”
And the man responded, “Yes…that’s another reason I haven’t been there.”
How many of you have attended a boring worship service? Let me inform you that there is no such thing as a boring worship service. I’ve attended some boring “church services,” but how can worship be boring in the presence of Jehovah is you truly worship Him?
It’s your responsibility to come with worship already in your heart and once in the service to let it flow out. Some Christians are so childlike that they show up at the service, sit back, and say, “Okay now…feed me, feed me, feed me!”
They never grow up! Aren’t you tired of that kind of Christianity? Well, get ready for something exciting to happen in your life! God has promised to give you the richest of blessings if only you’ll ask and take them. Canaan was a land of plenty and a land of reality. The people of Israel had heard sermons about it all of their lives, but they had never experienced it.
Stop listening to sermons with no intentions of applying it to your life! And stop going to worship service expecting to experience a miraculous event! You, Christian, can know what it is to live an abundant and victorious life! God has already given it to you, but you haven’t taken it. Seize it today!